Sunday, July 26, 2020

37 Ti?? f?r a B?tt?r Work-Life B?l?n??

37 Ti?? f?r a B?tt?r Work-Life B?l?n?? “Y?u will n?v?r feel truly satisfied b? w?rk until you ?r? ??ti?fi?d b? lif?”. Heather Schuck, The W?rking Mom M?nif??t?For a l?t ?f ????l?, th? ?ur?uit ?f a healthy w?rk/lif? balance seems lik? ?n im????ibl? g??l.With so many ?f us torn between juggling heavy w?rkl??d?, m?n?ging relationships ?nd family r????n?ibiliti??, and squeezing in ?ut?id? interests, it? no ?ur?ri?? th?t more th?n ?n? in f?ur Am?ri??n? d???rib? th?m??lv?? ?? “super ?tr????d.”And th?t’? not b?l?n??d, ?r h??lth?. In ?ur ru?h to “get it ?ll d?n?” ?t th? ?ffi?? ?nd ?t h?m?, it’? ???? t? f?rg?t th?t ?? our ?tr??? l?v?l? spike, ?ur ?r?du?tivit? ?lumm?t?.Stress ??n z?? ?ur concentration, make u? irrit?bl? ?r depressed, and h?rm our personal ?nd professional r?l?ti?n?hi??.Over tim?, stress ?l?? w??k?n? ?ur immune ???t?m?, ?nd makes u? ?u????tibl? to a v?ri?t? ?f ailments fr?m ??ld? t? b??k??h?? t? h??rt di?????.Th? newest research ?h?w? that ?hr?ni? stress ??n actually d?ubl? our risk ?f having a h??r t ?tt??k. That statistic ?l?n? i? ?n?ugh t? raise your blood ?r???ur?!Whil? w? ?ll n??d a certain amount ?f ?tr??? t? spur u? on ?nd h?l? u? ??rf?rm at ?ur best, the k?? t? managing stress lies in th?t one m?gi? w?rd: balance.N?t only i? ??hi?ving a h??lth? w?rk/lif? b?l?n?? ?n ?tt?in?bl? g??l but w?rk?r? ?nd businesses ?lik? ??? th? r?w?rd?.Wh?n w?rk?r? are balanced ?nd happy, they are m?r? ?r?du?tiv?, take f?w?r ?i?k d???, ?nd are more lik?l? to stay in th?ir jobs.H?r? are a f?w ?r??ti??l ?t??? w? can ?ll take t? l????n th? gri? th?t ?tr??? has on u? and win b??k th? b?l?n?? in ?ur liv??.“D?n’t bit? the h?nd th?t f??d? ??u, th?? ??id. But, wh?t if they ?r? ?h?wing mine ?ff?” Shareca Cole, C?r??l Tunn?lWHAT WORK LIFE B?L?N?? IS ?ND WHAT IT’? NOT“N?v?r get ?? bu?? m?king a living th?t you f?rg?t t? make a life”.- Ari?t?tl? A w?rk lif? b?l?n?? i? ??id t? b? a comfortable state ?f ??uilibrium ??hi?v?d b?tw??n ?n employees primary ?ri?riti?? of th?ir ?m?l??m?nt ???iti?n an d th?ir ?riv?t? lifestyle.Most ????h?l?gi?t? w?uld agree that the d?m?nd? ?f ?n ?m?l????? ??r??r ?h?uld n?t ?v?rwh?lm the individu?l? ?bilit? to ?nj?? a satisfying ??r??n?l life ?ut?id? of th? bu?in??? ?nvir?nm?nt.W?rk-Lif? B?l?n?? does n?t m??n an equal b?l?n?? ?m?ng?t th? b?th. Trying t? ??h?dul? ?n ??u?l number of hours for ???h ?f ??ur v?ri?u? w?rk ?nd ??r??n?l ??tiviti?? i? u?u?ll? unr?w?rding, unr??li?ti? ?nd ?ft?n un??hi?v?bl?.Lif? i? ?nd should b? m?r? fluid than th?t.Y?ur b??t individu?l w?rk-lif? b?l?n?? will v?r? ?v?r time, often ?n a daily b??i?.The right b?l?n?? for you t?d?? will probably b? diff?r?nt f?r you t?m?rr?w. The right balance f?r ??u wh?n you ?r? ?ingl? will b? different wh?n you m?rr?, ?r if you h?v? ?hildr?n; wh?n ??u ?t?rt a new career v?r?u? when ??u are nearing retirement.There is a l?t ?f flexibility with life, ?n? h?? to ??n?t?ntl? find a balance ?? life changes. There is no perfect, ?n?-?iz? fit? ?ll, balance you ?h?uld be striving f?r.Th? b??t w?rk- lif? b?l?n?? i? diff?r?nt for ???h ?f u? b???u?? we all h?v? diff?r?nt ?ri?riti?? and different lives.Wh?t w?rk? f?r Mr A probably w?uldn’t w?rk for Mr B. th?? both h?v? t? find their balance.H?w?v?r, when defining w?rk-lif? b?l?n??, th?r? ?r? tw? k?? ??n???t? th?t are r?l?v?nt to ???h ?f u?. They ?r? d?il?Achievement,Enj??m?nt.“A?hi?v?m?nt and Enjoyment ?n?w?r? th? ?u??ti?n? “Why?” Wh? do you want a better income…a n?w h?u??…th? kid? thr?ugh ??ll?g?…t? do a g??d j?b t?d??…t? come to w?rk ?t ?ll?M??t ?f us ?lr??d? have a good gr??? on th? meaning ?f Achievement.But l?t’? explore the concept of Enj??m?nt a little m?r?.As part ?f a r?l?v?nt Work-Life B?l?n?? definition, ?nj??m?nt d??? not ju?t m??n “H?-H?” h???in???. It m??n? Pride, Satisfaction, Happiness, C?l?br?ti?n, Love, and A Sense ?f Well B?ing …?ll th? Joys ?f Living.“Enj??m?nt i? n?thing but th? ??ti?f??ti?n th?t ??u g?t ?ft?r d?ing ?r ???ing ??m? things ?r ??u ?t? something whi?h ??u ?r? dr??ming of , th?r? ?r? many w??? t? d???rib? th? word enjoyment. It d???nd? ?n th? ??r????tiv? ?f a person ?nd that w?rd ?nj??m?nt h?? it? own different meaning when it ??m?? t? ???h ?nd ?v?r? individu?l”A?hi?v?m?nt and Enj??m?nt ?r? th? fr?nt and b??k ?f th? ??in of value in life.You can’t have ?n? with?ut th? other, no m?r? th?n ??u ??n h?v? a coin with ?nl? ?n? side.Tr?ing t? live a one ?id?d lif? i? why so m?n? “Su?????ful” ????l? ?r? not h????, ?r not n??rl? ?? h???? ?? th?? should b?.Reducing ?tr??? in other t? A?hi?ving work lif? Balance ?t WORKS?t m?n?g??bl? g??l? each d??: B?ing ?bl? t? m??t ?ri?riti?? h?l?? u? f??l a ??n?? of accomplishment ?nd control. The l?t??t r????r?h shows th?t th? m?r? control we h?v? ?v?r ?ur w?rk, th? l??? stressed w? g?t. S? b? r??li?ti? ?b?ut workloads ?nd d??dlin??. Make a “t? d?” li?t, ?nd take care ?f important tasks fir?t ?nd eliminate un????nti?l ones. A?k for help when necessary.B? ?ffi?i?nt with your tim? ?t work: When w? procrastinate, th? t??k ?ft?n grows in ?ur mind? until it seems insurmountable. S? when you f??? a big project ?t w?rk ?r h?m?, start by dividing it int? ?m?ll?r tasks. C?m?l?t? th? fir?t ?n? b?f?r? moving ?n to th? n?xt. Give yourself ?m?ll rewards u??n ???h ??m?l?ti?n, wh?th?r it’s a five minute break ?r a walk t? th? ??ff?? ?h??. If you feel overwhelmed by routines th?t ???m unn??????r?, t?ll ??ur b???. Th? l??? time you spend d?ing bu?? w?rk or ?r??r??tin?ting, the m?r? tim? you can ???nd ?r?du?tiv?l?, or with fri?nd? or f?mil?.A?k for fl?xibilit?: Fl?x time ?nd t?l???mmuting ?r? ?ui?kl? becoming established ?? necessities in t?d??’? business w?rld, ?nd many ??m??ni?? ?r? drafting w?rk/lif? policies. If you ask, th?? might allow ??u t? work flexible hours or fr?m h?m? a d?? a week. R????r?h shows that employees who w?rk fl?xibl? schedules ?r? m?r? productive ?nd l???l to th?ir ?m?l???r?.T?k? fiv?: T?king a break at w?rk isn’t ?nl? ?????t?bl?, it’? ?ft?n encouraged by m?n? ?m?l???r?. Sm all br??k? ?t w?rkâ€"?r on any projectâ€"will help ?l??r your head, and im?r?v? your ?bilit? t? d??l with stress ?nd m?k? g??d d??i?i?n? wh?n ??u jum? b??k int? the grind.Tune in: Listen t? your f?v?urit? mu?i? at w?rk t? f??t?r concentration, r?du?? ?tr??? and ?nxi?t?, ?nd ?timul?t? ?r??tivit?. Studi?? d?ting b??k more th?n 30 ???r? ?h?w th? b?n?fit? ?f music in everyday life, in?luding l?w?r?d bl??d ?r???ur?. Be ?ur? t? w??r h??d?h?n?? ?n th? j?b, ?nd th?n ?um? up th? volumeâ€"and ??ur ?r?du?tivit?.Communicate ?ff??tiv?l?: B? honest with ??ll??gu?? or ??ur b??? wh?n you f??l you’re in a bind. Ch?n??? ?r?, ??u’r? n?t alone. But d?n’t ju?t complainâ€"suggest ?r??ti??l alternatives. Looking at a ?itu?ti?n fr?m someone ?l??’? vi?w??int can ?l?? reduce ??ur stress. In a tense ?itu?ti?n, either r?think ??ur strategy ?r ?t?nd your gr?und, calmly ?nd r?ti?n?ll?. M?k? ?ll?w?n??? f?r ?th?r opinions, ?nd ??m?r?mi??. R?tr??t b?f?r? you lose control, ?nd ?ll?w tim? for ?ll involved t? ???l ?ff. You’ll b? better equipped t? h?ndl? the ?r?bl?m ??n?tru?tiv?l? l?t?r.Giv? yourself a break: No ?n?’? ??rf??t! All?w ??ur??lf t? be hum?n ?nd ju?t do the b??t ??u ??n.Reducing stress in ?th?r t? A?hi?ving w?rk lif? Balance ?t HOMEUn?lug: Th? ??m? t??hn?l?g? that makes it so ???? f?r w?rk?r? t? do th?ir j?b? fl?xibl? ??n also burn u? ?ut if w? use th?m 24/7. B? all m??n?, make ??ur??lf ?v?il?bl?â€"?????i?ll? if ??u’v? earned th? right t? “flex” your h?ur?â€"but r???gniz? th? need f?r ??r??n?l time, t??.Divid? ?nd ??n?u?r: M?k? ?ur? r????n?ibiliti?? ?t home ?r? evenly di?tribut?d ?nd ?l??rl? ?utlin?dâ€"??u’ll avoid ??nfu?i?n ?nd ?r?bl?m? l?t?r.D?nt over ??mmit: D? ??u feel ?tr????d wh?n ??u just glance at your ??l?nd?r? If ??u’r? ?v?r??h?dul?d with ??tiviti??, learn to say,” N?.” Sh?d th? superman/superwoman urge!G?t ?u???rt: Ch?tting with fri?nd? and f?mil? can b? im??rt?nt t? ??ur ?u????? ?t homeâ€"or ?t workâ€"and can ?v?n im?r?v? ??ur h??lth. P???l? with ?tr?ng?r support systems h?v? more ?ggr???iv? immune responses to illnesses th?n those wh? l??k such ?u???rt.T?k? ?dv?nt?g? of your company’s Em?l???? A??i?t?n?? Program (EAP): Many ?rg?niz?ti?n? ?ff?r resources through ?n EAP, whi?h ??n ??v? ??u precious time by providing guid?n?? ?n i??u?? lik? wh?r? to find a d?? care ??ntr? and ??r?t?king for ?n ?ld?rl? parent, as w?ll as r?f?rr?l? to m?nt?l h??lth ?nd other ??rvi???.St?? ??tiv?: A?id? from it? w?ll-kn?wn physical b?n?fit?, regular exercise reduces stress, d??r???i?n ?nd ?nxi?t?, and ?n?bl?? ????l? t? better cope with adversity, ????rding t? r????r?h?r?. It’ll also boost ??ur immun? ???t?m ?nd k??? ??u out ?f th? d??t?r’? ?ffi??. Make tim? in your ??h?dul? f?r th? gym ?r t? t?k? a w?lk during lun?hâ€"?nd h?v? some fun!Tr??t ??ur b?d? right: Being in good ?h??? ?h??i??ll? in?r????? ??ur tolerance t? ?tr??? ?nd r?du??? ?i?k d???. E?t right, ?x?r?i?? ?nd get ?d??u?t? r??t. Don’t r?l? ?n drug?, ?l??h?l ?r ?ig?r?tt?? t? ???? with stress; th??’ll ?nl? l??d t? more problems.G?t help if ??u need it: D?n’t l?t ?tr??? ?t?nd in the w?? of your h??lth ?nd h???in???. If you ?r? ??r?i?t?ntl? ?v?rwh?lm?d, it m?? be tim? t? ???k h?l? fr?m a m?nt?l h??lth ?r?f???i?n?l. Asking for h?l? i? n?t a ?ign ?f weaknessâ€"taking ??r? ?f yourself i? a sign ?f strength.In ?n int?rvi?w with CNN’? Chri?tin? Romans, Martha Stewart ??id w?rk-lif? b?l?n?? didn’t work for h?r. “It’s ?n? ?f th? most diffi?ult thing? to do; that balance, whi?h i? ?? ?lu?iv? t? m??t ?f u?. It didn’t w?rk for m?. I thought, ‘Oh, I ??n d? it; I ??n do ?ll ?f that.’ I had t? ???rifi?? a marriage b???u?? ?f the lur? ?f the gr??t job… It’? im????ibl? for m??t ?f u? t? get that b?l?n??.”W?ll, if Martha St?w?rt ??n’t d? it all, can anyone? W?ll, th?t’? a really easy question.C?n anyone d? it?Y?? and w? will tell ??u h?w.All th?t i? left for ??u i? to d? it.R????r?h b?hind W?rk-Lif? BalanceN?t surprisingly, th? research i? very cle ar that work-life b?l?n?? i? an important ??rt of h?ving a successful career.If you d?n’t t?k? tim? to r??h?rg?, ?nd ?r? t?t?ll? f??u??d ?n w?rk, ??u’ll risk burn?ut ?nd w?n’t b? ?? ?ff??tiv? ?? ??m??n? that b?l?n??? their life ?r???rl?.Th? brain needs d?wntim? t? ?r????? wh?t it has ju?t learned, so it’s im??rt?nt f?r w?rk that ??u t?k? time ?ff.Outside of w?rk, it’? important that you keep strong relationships with ?ignifi??nt ?th?r? and friends. Having a ?tr?ng ?u???rt ???t?m i? ?n? ?f th? k??? to being happier in life.A ?tud? b? A???ntur? f?und th?t w?rk-lif? balance i? a k?? determiner f?r m?r? th?n half ?f m?n ?nd w?m?n ?n whether th?? h?v? a ?u?????ful ??r??r.More than h?lf ?f th? ????l? ?urv???d by A???ntur? ??id that they’ve turn?d d?wn a j?b offer because ?f th? ??t?nti?l im???t ?n work-life balance.According to a r???nt r???rt from Ern?t ?nd Y?ung, 46% of m?n?g?r? gl?b?ll? are w?rking more th?n 40 hours ??r week, ?nd 40% say th?ir h?ur? h?v? in?r????d over th? ???t five ???r?.Th?r?’? also a hug? di???nn??t between wh?t employers think about w?rk-lif? balance ?nd what ?m?l????? ??r??iv?.Thi? has m?j?r im?li??ti?n?, and highlight? th? im??rt?n?? ?f ???n and honest ??mmuni??ti?n with ?m?l?????.In a study d?n? b? W?rk?l???Tr?nd?.??m, 67% ?f ????l? in HR said their ?m?l????? h?d a h??lth? w?rk-lif? balance, but 45% ?f ?m?l????? ??id th?? didn’t h?v? ?n?ugh time f?r “personal activities.”37 TI?? F?R A B?TT?R W?RK-LIF? BALANCE1. Step ?w?? from th? ?m?ilSt?rting fr?m th? easiest and most common, stay ?w?? fr?m th??? ?m?il?. A report ?ir?ul?t?d th?t a Fr?n?h law banned ?m?l????? fr?m ?h??king w?rk ?m?il? ?ft?r 6?m.It wasn’t tru? but fitted with our notion of th? French ?? a n?ti?n of ?l??k?r? favouring long lunches, five-day w??k?nd? ?nd ?l?nt? ?f slap and tickle whil? l?? rosbifs ??rri?d ?n working thr?ugh th? night.But m??b? th?r? ?h?uld b? a l?w ?g?in?t ?ft?r-h?ur? fielding ?f bosses’ emails?“It would b? im????ibl? to ?nf?r??,” ???? L??d?-b???d life ????h Melanie All?n. “But ??m??ni?? should think ?b?ut productivity. Is this in?????nt ?h??king ?f ?m?il? ?nd ???i?l m?di? b? th?ir employees ?dding t? ?r?du?tivit? ?r just ??intl??? stress?”If ??u ?t?? ?w?? from th??? ?m?il? ?ft?r w?rk, ??u ?h?uld definitely h?v? ?n?ugh tim? f?r ??ur personal life. You ?l?? live l?ng?r with the r?du??d ?tr???.2. W?rk ?m?rt?r, n?t h?rd?r“Y?u d?n’t h?v? t? make ??ur??lf mi??r?bl? t? be ?u?????ful. It’? natural t? l??k b??k ?nd mythologize the long night? and manic m?m?nt? ?f genius, but ?u????? i?n’t ?b?ut w?rking hard, it’? about working smart”.- Andrew Wilkin??n, f?und?r ?f MetaLab Th?r? i? a b?d? of ??ini?n th?t you ?h?uld w?rk m?r? ?nd ?l??? l???.It ?ft?n takes M?rg?r?t Thatcher as a role m?d?l: ?h? ?nl? needed four h?ur? sleep and look what ?h? did t? that country! These d??? th?? ??ll it sleep h??king â€" tr?ining ??ur mind and body to need less sleep.But th?t trend i? all wr?ng, ?rgu?? US academic Matt Mi ght in his work-life b?l?n?? bl?g.Think ?f it thi? w??, he suggests: “Th? ??u?ti?n f?r w?rk i?: output = unit of work / hour × h?ur? w?rk?d. ‘W?rk more, ?l??? less’ ????l? t?nd t? focus t?? mu?h ?n the h?ur? w?rk?d part ?f the ??u?ti?n. Th? unit ?f work / hour part ?f the ??u?ti?n â€" productivity â€" i? ju?t ?? (if not more) im??rt?nt.” In it? ?dvi?? on work-life b?l?n??, the Mental H??lth F?und?ti?n counsels: “Work ?m?rt, n?t l?ng.”Wh?t does th?t m??n in ?r??ti???“Thi? inv?lv?? tight ?ri?riti??ti?n â€" ?ll?wing ??ur??lf a ??rt?in ?m?unt ?f time ??r t??k â€" ?nd tr?ing not to get ??ught u? in l??? ?r?du?tiv? ??tiviti??, ?u?h ?? un?tru?tur?d m??ting? that t?nd to take up l?t? ?f time.”W?’v? all b??n there, wi?hing we w?r?n’t stuck in th? ??m? r??m as a bunch ?f f?tu?u? bl?wh?rd? â€" ?r, ?? Mi?h??l F?l?? ?ut? it in his ?u??rb b??k Th? Ag? of Ab?urdit?, “th? ??ll??gu?? wh? ????k ?t l?ngth in every meeting, in loud ??nfid?nt t?n?? th?t ?ugg??t ?riti??l ind???nd?n ??, but never deviate from th? official lin?”.Clearly, th?ugh, m?n? ?f us ?r? n?t w?rking smart, but â€" and th?r?’? no ???? w?? to ?ut this â€" ?tu?id.“Briti?h productivity r?m?in? l?w whil? the numb?r ?f hours they work ?x???d? that ?f ??m? ?f th?ir Eur????n n?ighb?ur?. On? result ?f this is th? dismal ?rr?? ?f ?t?ti?ti?? ??t ?ut b? th? M?nt?l H??lth Foundation: when working l?ng h?ur? 27% ?f ?m?l????? feel d??r????d, 34% feel anxious and 58% feel irrit?bl?”.3. L??v? work ?t workIm?gin? ??u’r? ju?t ?b?ut t? l??v? your workplace, ????ibl? for ???kt?il? ?t TGI Fridays, even th?ugh it’s actually Tuesday.B?f?r? ??u do, writ? a n?t? t? ??ur??lf li?ting outstanding t??k? ?r any w?rk things th?t ?r? ?n ??ur mind.“Th?n ?hut the di?r?, turn off ??ur PC, store ??ur m????g? and l??v? It.” says Allen. “F??u? ?n th? im?g? of shutting th? di?r?, ??ving the message ?r turning ?ff ??ur PC.”If thi? i? n?t ????ibl?, ?h? r???mm?nd? wh?t ?h? ??ll? a ?t??-br??th? t??hni?u?.Wh?t d?? ? th?t mean?“Take a slow br??th ?nd ??kn?wl?dg? th?t you’ve l?ft. If you ??n’t d? th?t ?t the ?ffi?? d??r, wh?n you’re g?tting a train ?r bus ?nd th? d??r closes, im?gin? th?t’? th? ?nd ?f ??ur w?rking day. Or if ??u’r? in ??ur car, sit at th? wh??l f?r a ?h?rt while b?f?r? ??u start th? ?ngin?.”Closure is a big th?m? ?m?ng th??? offering ti?? t? a h??lth? work-life balance: the M?nt?l H??lth F?und?ti?n ???? that if ??u do h????n to t?k? w?rk h?m? with you, ??u ?h?uld try t? confine it to a ??rt?in area ?f your home â€" ?nd b? ?bl? to ?l??? the d??r ?n it.“M??t ?f u? spend t?? much tim? ?n wh?t i? urgent ?nd not enough time ?n wh?t is im??rt?nt’. Stephen R Covey4. Embr??? “Me Time”N?v?r let w?rk consume you! If ??u feel fulfill?d and ?nri?h?d ?ut?id? of w?rk, you’ll d?finit?l? bring a better v?r?i?n ?f yourself t? w?rk ?nd it will ?h?w.S? go t? a ??? ?v?r? now ?nd th?n, t?k? that ???king class ??u’v? h?d ??ur ??? on, read a b??k f?r fun, ?nd try un?luggin g ?n?? a week ?r ??.Wh?t?v?r it is (I’m a fan ?f video g?m?, I can unplug 4 h?ur? ?tr?ight), do ??m?thing th?t ??u ?nj?? ?nd that t?k?? ??ur mind ?ff ?f w?rk.Thi? will do w?nd?r? f?r ??ur m?nt?l ?nd physical health, ?nd will allow you t? g? to work f??ling r?fr??h?d ?nd at peace.5. Boundaries“Balance is n?t b?tt?r time m?n?g?m?nt, but better b?und?r? m?n?g?m?nt. B?l?n?? m??n? making ?h?i??? and enjoying th??? ?h?i???”. Betsy J???b??nI ??nn?t ?v?r ?m?h??i?? b?und?ri??.Wh?th?r ??u work f?r ??ur??lf ?r for ?th?r ????l?, it i? imperative th?t you d?t?rmin? ??ur ??r??n?l b?und?ri??.Y?u love ??ur job, but ??u ?bvi?u?l? don’t w?nt to be w?rking ?n it 100% ?f th? tim?. Th?t m??n? ?r??ting a w?rk-??h?dul? th?t i? ?tru?tur?d ?nd m?n?g??bl?.D?t?rmin? wh?t ??ur personal boundaries look lik?.It might ???m ?xtr?m? but ??u could r?fu?? to giv? out ??ur ??r??n?l ?h?n? numb?r or add ?m?il t? ??ur ??r??n?l ?h?n?.Thi? allows ??u t? f??u? ?n ??ur lif? when you ?r? n?t at work ?nd not let ??ur ??r??n?l life di?tr??t ??u ?t w?rk.Lik? I ??id, it may ???m ?xtr?m?, but if ??u’r? a w?rk?h?li?, ??m?tim?? ??u n??d t? t?k? ?xtr?m? m???ur??.6. Let go of ??rf??ti?ni?mA l?t ?f overachievers d?v?l?? ??rf??ti?ni?t tendencies ?t a ??ung age wh?n demands ?n th?ir tim? are limited t? ??h??l, h?bbi?? ?nd m??b? an after-school j?b.It’s easier t? m?int?in that ??rf??ti?ni?t h?bit ?? a kid, but as ??u gr?w up, lif? g?t? more ??m?li??t?d.A? you ?limb th? ladder at w?rk ?nd ?? ??ur f?mil? gr?w?, ??ur r????n?ibiliti?? mu?hr??m.P?rf??ti?ni?m b???m?? ?ut ?f reach, and if that h?bit i? l?ft un?h??k?d, it ??n b???m? d??tru?tiv?, ???? executive ????h M?ril?n Pud?r-Y?rk, PhD, who wr?t? The Offi?? Survival Guide.The k?? t? avoid burning ?ut is to l?t g? of ??rf??ti?ni?m, ???? Puder-York. “As lif? g?t? m?r? ?x??nd?d it’? very hard, b?th n?ur?l?gi??ll? and ????h?l?gi??ll?, t? keep that h?bit ?f ??rf??ti?n g?ing,” ?h? ????, adding that th? h??lthi?r ??ti?n is t? ?triv? n?t f?r ??rf??ti?n, but f ?r ?x??ll?n??.7. Limit time-wasting activities ?nd ????l?Fir?t, id?ntif? wh?t’? most im??rt?nt in your life.Thi? list will diff?r f?r everyone, ?? make ?ur? it trul? reflects your ?ri?riti??, n?t ??m??n? ?l??’?. Next, dr?w firm b?und?ri?? so you ??n devote ?u?lit? tim? t? these high-?ri?rit? ????l? and activities.Fr?m there, it will b? ???i?r t? d?t?rmin? wh?t n??d? t? b? trimmed from the ??h?dul?.If ?m?il or internet surfing sends ??u int? a tim?-w??ting spiral, establish rul?? t? k??? you ?n task.Th?t m?? m??n turning ?ff ?m?il n?tifi??ti?n? ?nd r??l?ing in b?t?h?? during limit?d times each d??.If you’re mindlessly ?urfing F???b??k ?r cat bl?g? wh?n ??u ?h?uld be getting w?rk d?n?, tr? u?ing ?r?du?tivit? ??ftw?r? lik? Freedom, L???hBl??k ?r R???u?Tim?.And if you find ??ur time b?ing g?bbl?d up b? l??? ??n?tru?tiv? people, find w??? t? di?l?m?ti??ll? limit these int?r??ti?n?.C?rn?r?d ?v?r? morning b? the office ?h?tt?rb?x? Politely ?x?u?? ??ur??lf.Drinks with th? w?rk gang th ? night b?f?r? a bu??, important d??? Bow out ?nd g?t a g??d night sleep. F??u? ?n the people ?nd ??tiviti?? th?t r?w?rd ??u the m??t.To some, this m?? seem selfish. “But it i?n’t ??lfi?h,” ???? R?bin??n. “It’s th?t whole ?ir?l?n? metaphor.If ??u h?v? a ?hild, you put th? ?x?g?n m??k ?n ??ur??lf fir?t, n?t ?n th? child.” Wh?n it ??m?? to b?ing a g??d friend, ???u??, parent ?r worker, “the b?tt?r ??u are ??ur??lf, the b?tt?r ??u ?r? g?ing t? be in all those areas ?? w?ll.”8. Ch?ng? the ?tru?tur? ?f your lif?S?m?tim?? w? fall int? a rut ?nd assume our h?bit? ?r? set in ?t?n?. T?k? a bird?-??? vi?w ?f your lif? ?nd ask yourself: Wh?t ?h?ng?? could make life ???i?r?Pud?r-Y?rk remembers meeting with a ??ni?r ?x??utiv? w?m?n wh?, for 20 ???r? of h?r marriage, ?rr?ng?d dinn?r for h?r hu?b?nd every night.But ?? the higher ??rn?r with the m?r? demanding job, th? tri?? to the grocery ?t?r? ?nd d?il? m??l preparations w?r? adding t?? much stress to h?r lif?. “My r????n?? to h er w??, M??b? it? tim? t? change th? h?bit,” recalls Pud?r-Y?rk.The executive w?rri?d h?r hu?b?nd might b? upset, but Pud?r-Y?rk in?i?t?d th?t, if ?h? w?nt?d t? r?du?? ?tr???, this structural change could accomplish just th?t.S? in?t??d ?f tr?ing t? d? it all, f??u? ?n activities you specialize in ?nd value most.Delegate ?r outsource ?v?r?thing ?l??.D?l?g?ting ??n be a win-win ?itu?ti?n, ???? Stewart Freidman, a management ?r?f????r ?t th? University of P?nn??lv?ni? Wh?rt?n S?h??l and author ?f L??ding th? Lif? Y?u W?nt: Skills f?r Int?gr?ting W?rk and Life.Freidman r???mm?nd? talking t? th? “k?? ?t?k?h?ld?r?” in diff?r?nt areas ?f your lif?, whi?h could in?lud? ?m?l????? ?r ??ll??gu?? at w?rk, a ???u?? or a ??rtn?r in a community ?r?j??t. “Find ?ut wh?t you ??n d? t? l?t g? in w??? that b?n?fit ?th?r people b? giving th?m opportunities t? gr?w,” he says.Thi? will giv? th?m a chance t? learn ??m?thing n?w ?nd free you u? ?? ??u m?? d?v?t? ?tt?nti?n to your high?r ?ri?riti? ?.9. Und?r?t?nd th? n?????it? ?f switching ?ffStudi?? h?v? ?h?wn that people actually ??rf?rm better ?t w?rk if they trul? t?k? tim? ?ff, wh?th?r they ??tu?ll? g? on v???ti?n ?r ?im?l? ju?t leave w?rk ?t the office and d? not bring it h?m? with th?m.Y?u d? not h?v? to f??l guilty f?r n??ding t? t?k? some tim? away fr?m w?rk.Ev?r??n? n??d? to, and wh?n ??u d? r?turn t? w?rk, ??u will probably be more ?ff??tiv?. Y?u h?v? to realize that ??u ?im?l? ??nn?t d?v?t? ??ur??lf ?ll of the tim? to ?v?r?thing you do.You h?v? t? choose ?n? ??tivit? or the ?th?r ?nd create a m?nt?l divi?i?n between th? tw?.10. Identify what truly m?tt?r?In ?rd?r t? ??hi?v? w?rk-lif? balance, you mu?t fir?t identify what i? im??rt?nt t? ??u personally ?nd professionally.For ?x?m?l?, in?t??d of v?lunt??ring ?t thr?? different ?h?riti??, could ??u focus ??ur time ?nd ?n?rg? ?n one?M??b? ??u are asked to go to lun?h thr?? tim?? a week ?nd ??u f??l rushed ?v?r? tim? t? g?t th?r?.If ??, ??uld you ??n?id?r one d?? a w?? k?Ar? ??u w?rking on priorities that help driv? the ?v?r?ll g??l? ?f your d???rtm?nt ?r ??m??n??It t?k?? time, but ??ur d?il? and weekly ??tiviti?? mu?t be fully r?vi?w?d ?nd ??t?g?riz?d in order to maximize ??ur d?? ?nd ?nj?? ??ur off tim?.“Iv? learned th?t you ??nt have ?v?r?thing ?nd d? ?v?r?thing at th? ??m? time”. Oprah Winfr?? 11. Und?r?t?nd what “b?l?n??” meansSt?nd straight u? with ??ur f??t a littl? w??? ???rt.N?w, l??n ?v?r significantly t? th? right.Are you ?till standing?I h??? ??!You haven’t l??t your balance even th?ugh your right f??t i? t?king ?ignifi??ntl? m?r? weight.This just g??? t? show th?t “balance” d???n’t m??n “??u?l.” Sometimes, ?ith?r w?rk ?r ??ur personal lif? t?k?? more w?ight, d???nding ?n wh?t’? g?ing ?n ?t the moment and th?t’? OK.“A g??d j?b can b? both ?r??ti??ll? attractive whil? still not g??d ?n?ugh t? devote ??ur ?ntir? lif? t?”. Al?in d? Botton12. Schedule important ??r??n?l ??tiviti??Thing? such ?? ?x?r?i??, dat e night? with a ???u?? and m?r? can ?ui?kl? f?ll b? th? w???id? if they ?r?n’t ?ur????full? ??h?dul?d.Block out ??ur ??l?nd?r f?r im??rt?nt ??r??n?l ?v?nt?, and you’ll find th?? happen as th?? should. It ??n be t?ugh t? remember in th? middl? of a ?tr???ful business m?m?nt, but they’re just ?? im??rt?nt as ?n? meeting.“B?l?n?? is n?t something ??u find, its ??m?thing ??u ?r??t?”. J?n? Kingsford, UNJUGGLED: L????n? From a D???d? of Blending Bu?in???, B?bi??, B?l?n?? ?nd Big Dreams13. D?n’t b? a martyr“Th?r? is also the t?nd?n?? I come ??r??? where ??m?b?d? will say, ‘I h?v? to d? ?v?r?thing round h?r?,’” says All?n. “To feel lik? a martyr giv?? ??m? ????l? a gr??t d??l ?f pleasure â€" th?? f??l they’re ??w?rful ?nd bu??.”And wh?t’? wr?ng with th?t?“It’? w?rth thinking about h?w infuri?ting that is f?r ?th?r people. Th? r????n m??t ????l? ?r? m?rt?r? i? th?t th?? w?nt th? ???r?v?l ?f ?th?r?; if they r??li?? m?rt?rd?m â€" just doing ?ll th? w?rk â€" i? ?x????r?ting t? b? ?r?und, they might stop b?h?ving th?t w??.”14. S?t ??ur ?wn rules“Y?u r??ll? need t? find your own w?rk-lif? b?l?n??, ?r?b?bl? with th? h?l? ?f ?th?r?,” says Allen. “Th? im??rt?nt thing i? t? ign?r? the ?h?uld? â€" th? shoulds that comes from ?th?r ????l? or fr?m you int?rn?li?ing ?th?r?’ mind-sets. Y?u h?v? to r?l? ?n your own intuiti?n.”W? are witn???ing a generational shift in ?ur attitudes t? w?rk.Mill?nni?l? (th??? b?rn after 1980) are m?r? lik?l? th?n th?ir elders to blur th? lin?? b?tw??n work ?nd h?m?. S?m? 81% of them think th?? should set th?ir ?wn work patterns.For some, th?t might inv?lv? virtual meetings (by Skype, f?r ?x?m?l?) r?th?r than r??l ones, th? ????rtunit? t? w?rk from home wh?n th?? want to ?nd, id??ll?, a n?-r??rimin?ti?n clause in th?ir ??ntr??t that w?uld be activated wh?n they t?ll their b??? to ?h?v? it when ?h? asks them t? w?rk next Sunday.15. M?k? ’em w?itOn? w?? to avoid being incessantly available is to m?k? it ?l??r t? ??ur colleagues th?t ??u will r??l? to ?m?il? within 24 ?r 48 h?ur?.“A? l?ng as ??u’r? reliable about r??l?ing in th? ?nd, it’? ?ur?ri?ing h?w littl? thi? b?th?r? people,” ?rgu?? Oliv?r Burk?m?n, author of H?l?! How t? B???m? Slightl? Happier and G?t a Bit M?r? D?n?. Quite so, but t?xting i? b???d ?n diff?r?nt ??r?m?t?r? â€" t? ??nd a text i? to ?x???t a ?ui?k, ?v?n immediate r??l?. Y?u n??d to m?k? it ?l??r th?t ??u’r? n?t endlessly ?v?il?bl? for w?rk ?u?ri?? ?ut?id? w?rking h?ur?.Admittedly, th?t’? ???i?r ??id than done.16. Just say n?If you’re ?v?il?bl? 24/7 t? ??ur b???’? â€" with ?ll due r?????t â€" increasingly loopy ?nd unr?mitting demands, ?nd you’re th? kind ?f ??r??n wh? as a result g?t? ?v?rl??d?d, tr? h?rn???ing th? power ?f n?.Allen advises: “If ??u tend to say ??? without thinking wh?n ??u’r? ??k?d t? d? ??m?thing ?xtr?, stall. D?n’t answer ?tr?ight away. Say ??u’ll g?t b??k t? the person asking, th?n u?? that time to think ?l??rl? ?b?ut w hether t? say ??? or no. If ??u w?nt to ??? ???, fine. But if you want to ??? n?, ??? n? ?nd k??? ???ing it. Don’t ju?tif? your ??ti?n? ?r giv? ?x?u???. Th?r?’? n? need t? b? n??t? ?r rud?.”Th? Mental H??lth F?und?ti?n r???mm?nd? th?t wh?n w?rk demands ?r? t?? high, ??u mu?t ????k up.Y?ur r?l? m?d?l here might w?ll b? Eri? C?nt?n?: in th? Ken Loach film l??king f?r Eri?, he in?tru?t? a dith?ring Englishman ?n the ??w?r of saying n?. Or rather “n?n?”.17. E??? ?ff th? ?dr?n?lin?Do ??u n??d th? ru?h of ?dr?n?lin? ?ll th? tim?, wh?th?r it’s ?t th? gym, in the ???k or ?t th? coalface of ??id employment?“Y?u r??ll? ?ught t? m?nit?r th?t,” ???? All?n. “Y?u need t? ??k ??ur??lf h?w w?ll your lif? i? r??ll? g?ing. What happens ?ft?n i? th?t th??? h??k?d on adrenaline hop from one ru?h t? another â€" fr?m ?n? t??k to another, from work t? gym. Wh?t’? th?t lik? for ??ur f?mil? ?nd friends t? b? ?r?und? Not much fun, ?????i?ll? wh?n ??u ?r??h â€" whi?h in?vit?bl? ??u will.†18. H?v? a social lif?Ev?n wh?n ??u’r? n?t working, try n?t t? b???m? a h?rmit.Y?u need ???i?l interactions ?nd hum?n ??nn??ti?n t? b? happy.Have dinn?r or g? to th? m?vi?? with ??ur fri?nd?, mix work ?nd fun b? attending a networking ?v?nt, m?k? ??ur college r?uni?n, and so ?n.Keep in t?u?h with people th?t are important t? you it will m?k? ??u feel better in more ways th?n ?n?.19. Stop Pr???uring Y?ur??lfD?n’t ?v?r??m?li??t? your lif?! Y?u ??n’t d? ?v?r?thing, ??u ju?t ?im?l? ??n’t.Whil? ??u would l?v? t? wake u?, h?v? a g?urm?t m??l, be active ?n In?t?gr?m, write 5 ???t? and record a ??d???t ?nd vid?? at th? ??m? tim?, it’s ju?t n?t possible.St?? h?ving unr??li?ti? ?x???t?ti?n? ?f who ??u w?nt to be. You will always f?ll short.Thi? i? a r??ll? ?r???? w?? to liv?, believe m?.20. R?m?mb?r the 80/20 RuleOtherwise kn?wn as th? P?r?t? Prin?i?l?, this rule ?t?t?? th?t r?ughl? 80% ?f th? ?ff??t? come fr?m 20% ?f th? causes.That means that r?th?r than tr?ing t? do EVERYTHING, f??u? ?n the 20% th?t will ?i?ld th? high??t r??ult.21. St?rt ?m?ll. Build fr?m thereWe’ve all b??n th?r?: ?r??h diets that fizzl? out, N?w Y??r’? resolutions w? f?rg?t b? February.It’s the same with w?rk-lif? b?l?n?? wh?n w? t?k? ?n t?? mu?h t?? quickly, ???? Br??k?.M?n? ?f hi? workaholic clients commit t? dr??ti? changes: ?utting their h?ur? from 80 h?ur? a w??k t? 40, bumping up th?ir d?il? run fr?m zero miles a d?? to five mil?? a day. It’s a recipe f?r f?ilur?, says Brooks.Wh?n one ?li?nt, wh? w?? always ?b??nt fr?m hi? f?mil? dinn?r?, v?w?d to begin ?tt?nding the m??l? nightly, Br??k? urged him t? ?t?rt ?m?ll?r. So he b?g?n with ?n? evening a w??k.Ev?ntu?ll?, he w?rk?d hi? way up t? tw? to thr?? dinners ??r week.“If ??u’r? tr?ing t? ?h?ng? a ??rt?in script in ??ur lif?, ?t?rt ?m?ll ?nd ?x??ri?n?? ??m? ?u?????. Build fr?m th?r?,” ???? Br??k?.22. Ex?r?i?? and m?dit?t?Even wh?n we’re bu??, w? m?k? tim? for th? ?ru?i?l thing? in lif?. W? ??t. W? go to th? b?thr??m . We ?l???.And ??t ?n? ?f ?ur m??t ?ru?i?l n??d? exercise is often th? fir?t thing t? g? wh?n ?ur ??l?nd?r? fill u?.Ex?r?i?? i? an ?ff??tiv? ?tr??? r?du??r. It ?um?? feel-good ?nd?r?hin? thr?ugh ??ur b?d?. It h?l?? lift ??ur m??d and can ?v?n ??rv? a ?n?-tw? punch b? ?l?? ?utting you in a meditative state, ????rding t? th? Mayo Clinic.Puder-York r???mm?nd? dedicating a few chunks of time ???h w??k to ??lf-??r?, wh?th?r it’? exercise, yoga ?r m?dit?ti?n.And if ??u’r? r??ll? ?r????d f?r tim?, ?t?rt small with d??? br??thing ?x?r?i??? during ??ur commute, a quick five minut? meditation ????i?n m?rning and night, ?r replacing drinking ?l??h?l with a healthier f?rm ?f ?tr??? r?du?ti?n.“Wh?n I t?lk ?b?ut balance, n?t everything h?? t? b? th? completion ?nd ??hi?v?m?nt of a t??k, it ?l?? h?? t? include self-care ?? that ??ur body, mind and soul are b?ing r?fr??h?d,” ???? Pud?r-Y?rk.Th??? ?x?r?i??? r??uir? minor ?ff?rt but offer major ????ff?. P???h?th?r??i?t Br??n Robinson, wh? i s ?l?? ?r?f????r ?m?ritu? at th? Univ?r?it? ?f North C?r?lin? ?t Ch?rl?tt? ?nd author ?f the b??k Ch?in?d t? th? D??k, explains th?t ?ur autonomic n?rv?u? ???t?m in?lud?? tw? br?n?h??: the sympathetic n?rv?u? ???t?m (?ur body’s ?tr??? response) ?nd th? ??r???m??th?ti? n?rv?u? ???t?m (?ur b?d?’? rest ?nd dig??t response).“Th? k?? is to find ??m?thing th?t ??u ??n build int? ??ur lif? th?t will ??tiv?t? your parasympathetic n?rv?u? ???t?m,” says Robinson.Sh?rt, m?dit?tiv? ?x?r?i??? like deep br??thing ?r grounding ??ur ??n??? in ??ur ?r???nt surroundings, are great ?l???? t? ?t?rt.Th? more you d? these, th? m?r? ??u activate your parasympathetic nervous ???t?m, whi?h “??lm? ?v?r?thing d?wn, (?nd) not just in th? m?m?nt,” ???? R?bin??n. “Over time ??u start to notice that in your lif?, ??ur ??r???m??th?ti? n?rv?u? system will start to trump ??ur sympathetic n?rv?u? ???t?m.”23. UnplugOn?? in a while, w? n??d t? un?lug.More like d?l?ting th? ?ntir? w?rld ?f work.From t?l? ??mmuting to ?r?gr?m? that make w?rk ???i?r, t??hn?l?g? h?? h?l??d ?ur lives in many w???. But it has ?l?? created ?x???t?ti?n? of ??n?t?nt ??????ibilit?.Th? w?rk d?? n?v?r ???m? to ?nd. “Th?r? are tim?? wh?n you should just ?hut ??ur phone off and ?nj?? th? m?m?nt,” ???? Robert Brooks, a ?r?f????r ?f psychology ?t H?rv?rd M?di??l S?h??l ?nd ??-?uth?r ?f The P?w?r ?f R??ili?n??: A?hi?ving B?l?n??, C?nfid?n?? and P?r??n?l Str?ngth in Y?ur Lif?.Br??k? ???? th?t ?h?n? n?tifi??ti?n? int?rru?t ??ur ?ff tim? and inj??t ?n undercurrent of ?tr??? in ??ur ???t?m.S? don’t t?xt ?t ??ur kid’s soccer g?m? ?nd d?n’t ??nd work emails while ??u’r? h?nging ?ut with f?mil?, Br??k? advises.Make ?u?lit? tim? tru? ?u?lit? tim?.B? n?t r???ting to th? u?d?t?? fr?m work, ??u will developing a ?tr?ng?r h?bit of r??ili?n??. “Resilient ????l? f??l a greater sense of ??ntr?l ?v?r th?ir liv??,” ???? Br??k?, while reactive ????l? h?v? l??? control and ?r? m?r? ?r?n? to ?tr???.24. M?n?g? ??ur ?n?r g?, n?t ??ur tim?Every human b?ing has n?tur?l ?n?rg? ???l?? thr?ugh?ut th? d??.If ??u think carefully ?b?ut your own cycles, ??u’ll ?r?b?bl? b? ?bl? t? pinpoint tim?? when ??u u?u?ll? f??l m?r? focused ?nd ?r?du?tiv?, ?? w?ll ?? tim?? wh?r? you’d r?th?r ?r?wl into b?d th?n spend ?n?th?r minute ?t the ??m?ut?r.In?t??d ?f trying t? ??h?dul? ?v?r? minut? of ??ur tim? and push thr?ugh ??ur l?w-?n?rg? cycles, schedule ??ur tasks ????rding t? ??ur ?n?rg?.D? l?w?r-?n?rg? administrative tasks wh?n you’re in a lull, ?nd more important w?rk wh?n ??u’r? energized.25. Schedule v???ti?n timeI know that ??u’r? bu?? and that your business is demanding, but if big corporations can m?k? v???ti?n tim? h????n, th?n ?? ??n you. R?m?mb?r, v???ti?n tim? doesn’t have t? inv?lv? a w??k-l?ng tr??i??l getaway (although if ??u ??n ?ff?rd th? ?x??n?? and the time ?w?? fr?m th? office, th?t’? a gr??t way to recharge). Ev?n a d?? ?w?? from th? ?ffi?? ??n be ?n?ugh to l??v? ??u f??ling r?-f??u??d ? nd r?fr??h?d.26. D?l?g?t? h?u??h?ld tasksIf ??u h?v? th? ?bilit? and ?xtr? cash t? d? ??, ??n?id?r hiring ?ut ?r d?l?g?ting household t??k?.For example, a housekeeper wh? ??m?? ?n?? a w??k can h?l? ??u t??kl? the ?l??ning projects th?t always ???m t? ?il? up, whil? a l?wn ??rvi?? ??n save you th? hours that ??u’d ?th?rwi?? spend mowing your gr??? or m?int?ining ??ur l?nd????ing.B? l??king f?r ?nd t?king ?dv?nt?g? of ????rtuniti?? such as these, ??u’ll b? able to ???nd ??ur personal tim? with friends ?nd f?mil?, in?t??d of d?ing ?h?r??.Or, if your ???u?? or ?ld?r ?hildr?n can h?ndl? ??m? of th? m?r? mund?n? t??k? whil? ??u w?rk, ??u can ?ll enjoy having fun t?g?th?r ?ft?rw?rd.27. Limit ??ur work h?ur?W?rk n?v?r ?nd?, and if ??u’r? l??king to finish everything, you’ll never ?t??.Working l?ng h?ur? i?n’t good f?r ?n??n? you, ??ur family or ??ur ??ll??gu??. Sh?r?l Sandberg ???nt ???r? leaving w?rk ?t 5:30 to have dinner with her children.If ?h? ??n d? it, why ??nt you?28. Thi nk carefully about wh?r? ??u liv?W?rr?n Buff?tt t?ld MBA ?tud?nt? a f?w ???r? ?g? that th? r????n h? chose to liv? in Om?h? rather than N?w York ?r ?th?r ?iti?? ?l???r to th? fin?n?i?l ???n? w?? b???u?? Om?h? h?l??d him m?int?in a m?r? b?l?n??d lif?.Even if ??u ??n’t choose ??ur city, ??u ??n ?h???? ??ur neighbourhood.D? so with your id??l w?rk-lif? b?l?n?? in mind.29. Use ??l?nd?r blocks for l???r f??u?Y?u have a ??l?nd?r, ?? u?? it.Schedule specific bl??k? ?f unint?rru?t?d time f?r ??ur most im??rt?nt tasks.If you w?rk in ?n office, m?k? sure ??ur f?ll?w workers kn?w t? l??v? you ?l?n? during thi? tim?.Shut th? d??r t? your ?ffi??, turn down ??ur phone’s ringer and turn ?ff the ?m?il and text n?tifi??ti?n? that ?r? ??n?t?ntl? interrupting ??ur w?rk.Use ??ur scheduled bl??k? f?r w?rk that’s l???r f??u??d ?n the t??k? ?nd ?r?j??t? th?t matter m??t for your bu?in???.30. Think ?b?ut r?tir?m?nt“Some people ?r? w?dd?d to work, ?????i?ll? if th??’r? ??lf-?m?l???d,” says All en. “But I get th?m t? ask th?m??lv??: if work is the ?nl? thing you d?, then what h????n? if you lose ??ur j?b ?r if your bu?in??? f?il?? I d?n’t und?r??tim?t? the difficulties ?f putting work b??k in it? b?x ?t a time ?f austerity, but I tr? t? ?n??ur?g? my clients t? think ?f it thi? way: f?r m??t ????l? there will b? g??? in ?m?l??m?nt. Wh?t d? ??u d? th?n? And wh?t ?b?ut wh?n ??u retire? Sure, you m?? w?ll ??rr? on w?rking in a ??rt-tim? ?????it?, whi?h I think i? a good thing, but ??u will need other int?r??t? in lif? wh?n w?rk b???m?? l??? important.”Is she t?lking ?b?ut h?bbi??? St?m? ??ll??ting, ??rh????“N?, th?t does ??und ?ld-f??hi?n?d. But w? ?ll n??d int?r??t? w? ??n fall b??k ?n. We ?ll need something w? can fall b??k on that i?n’t w?rk.”Th? Mental Health Foundation r??k?n? that ?v?rw?rk?d ????l? should try t? r?du?? ?tr??? thr?ugh exercise, r?l?x?ti?n ?r h?bbi??.Thr?wing d?rt? ?t a ?i?tur? of ??ur b??? is a satisfying way of ?ultiv?ting ?ll thr?? de-stress ors ?t ?n??31. Pr??ti?? self-careIf ??u’r? passionate ?b?ut ??ur j?b, ?r??ti?? ??lf-??r?.M?n? folks that ?r? ????i?n?t? ?b?ut their j?b said self-care was int?gr?l for th?m, though they u?u?ll? n??d?d to f?r?? it ?n th?m??lv??.Fellow mill?nni?l Sh?un ??id ?n F???b??k, “Im t?rribl? ?t [??lf-??r?] but I force myself t? do it. Ev?n if I have t? ?h??i??ll? ?ut it in m? ??l?nd?r (which I often do).”It can b? h?rd t? ?t?? b??k ?nd focus ?n ??ur??lf at the end of th? d??, but the b?n?fit? ?f ??lf-??r? ?r? worth it: S?lf care prevents ?v?rl??d burn?ut, r?du??? th? negative ?ff??t? ?f stress ?nd h?l?? you refocus.32. Find a h?bb?If ??u’r? n?t ????i?n?t? ?b?ut ??ur job, find a h?bb? to g?t ????i?n?t? about.F?r th??? th?t aren’t ????i?n?t? ?b?ut th?ir j?b, finding something t? do outside ?f w?rk th?t bring? th?m m??ning i? hug?.Al?in?, ?n?th?r millennial in a F???b??k group said, “I find it very helpful t? schedule ??tiviti?? ?ut?id? ?f work I ?nj?? shortly ?ft?r Im t??hni??ll? ?u? ????d to b? ?ut ?f w?rk… I cant ?ki? th??? ??tiviti?? because someone ?n th? ?th?r sides ??unting on m? t? b? th?r?. Its ?n m? ??l?nd?r, and my ??ll??gu?? know I h?v? to l??v? ?n time those d???. I think it? ?l?? r??ll? im??rt?nt w? support our colleagues in d?ing th? same.”33. Giv? ??ur??lf ????? to f?ilFellow F???b??k gr?u? member Stephanie ??id, “I see it as a ??n?t?nt ebb and fl?w instead of something w? w?rk t?w?rd? ?nd th?n suddenly ??hi?v? ?nd then ?v?r?thing is ??rf??t.”There will b? times thing? feel out of control and th?t’? okay. It will ????, and you’ll h?v? infinit? m?r? ????rtuniti?? t? tr? ?g?in.34. Managing ??ur w?rkl??dTrying to multit??k will mentally drain you ?nd might r??ult in you b?ing l??? productive.‘If ??ur workload i? t?? mu?h and it’? spilling ?v?r int? ??ur ??r??n?l lif?, ????k to ??ur m?n?g?r to ??? if you ??n jointly ??m? up with ??luti?n?, such ?? d?l?g?ting w?rk t? ?th?r members ?f staff’.35. Av?id w?rking long h?ur?Where ????ibl?, ?v?id w?rking long h?ur?.You m?? h?v? urgent tasks which run int? overtime but thi? ??n leave ??u feeling ?tr????d, un?r?du?tiv? and needing t? call in ?i?k.M?n?g?r? ought t? ??t a g??d ?x?m?l? by not working over th?ir ??ntr??t?d h?ur? unless it’s really necessary.36. B? r??li?ti?At th? end of each w?rking d??, ??rf?rm a littl? self-analysis. Ask yourself what w?rk?d t?d??, what didn’t, what w?nt wr?ng ?nd h?w th? i??u? ??n b? fix?d.Remember th?r? ?r? thousands of businesses ju?t lik? ??ur? l??rning th? same l????n? every d??. D?n’t f?rg?t to tap int? th? v?lu?bl? r???ur??? around ??u â€" your ???r? â€" for h?l?.37. Take a br??kR?m?mb?r t? take time ?ut throughout your d??.S?m? tasks ?r? easier than ?th?r?, ?? if you find ??ur??lf with ?n h?ur u? your sleeve, be r??li?ti? about wh?th?r ??u can “afford” to r??t ?r n?t.You might not have tim? every d?? to simply sit and “be”, but d? ??ur b??t t? give ??ur??lf a lunch br??k.Also, m?k? a point ?f g?tting u? and ?tr?t?hing ?v?r? 15 minut??. It will h?l? ??u b???m? clearer, more focused ?nd m?r? ?r?du?tiv?.“D?nt ??nfu?? h?ving a career with h?ving a lif?”. Hill?r? Clint?nTHE SIX COMPONENTS ?F A B?L?N??D W?RK-LIF?Component #1. Self-ManagementSuffi?i?ntl? m?n?ging ?n?’? self can b? ?h?ll?nging, ??rti?ul?rl? in getting ?r???r sleep, exercise, ?nd nutrition.Self-management is th? r???gniti?n that ?ff??tiv?l? u?ing th? ?????? in ?ur lives is vital, and th?t available r???ur???, time, and life are finit?.It means b???ming captain of ?ur ?wn ship; n? ?n? i? coming to ?t??r for u?.Component #2. Time ManagementEffective time m?n?g?m?nt inv?lv?? m?king optimal u?? ?f your d?? ?nd th? ?u???rting resources th?t can be ?umm?n?d â€" ??u k??? ???? wh?n ??ur r???ur??? m?t?h ??ur challenges.Tim? management i? ?nh?n??d thr?ugh appropriate goals ?nd di???rning wh?t is b?th im??rt?nt ?nd urg?nt, v?r?u? im??rt?nt or urg?nt.It ?nt?il? knowing wh?t ??u d? b??t ?nd wh?n, ?nd assembling th? appropriate t??l? t? accompl ish specific t??k?.Component #3. Str??? ManagementBy n?tur?, societies tend t? become m?r? ??m?l?x ?v?r tim?.In th? f??? ?f increasing ??m?l?xit?, stress on th? individu?l i? in?vit?bl?. More ????l?, di?tr??ti?n?, and n?i?? r??uir? ???h of us t? become adept ?t m?int?ining tranquillity ?nd w?rking ourselves ?ut of ?r???ur?-fill?d ?itu?ti?n?.M??t f?rm? of multi-tasking ultim?t?l? in?r???? our stress, versus f??u?ing on one thing ?t a tim?.Component #4. Ch?ng? ManagementIn ?ur f??t-????d w?rld, ?h?ng? i? virtually th? ?nl? ??n?t?nt. C?ntinu?ll? ?d??ting n?w m?th?d? and r?-?d??ting ?th?r? i? vit?l to a successful ??r??r ?nd a happy h?m? life.Eff??tiv? ?h?ng? m?n?g?m?nt involves making ??ri?di? ?nd ??n??rt?d ?ff?rt? t? ?n?ur? th?t the v?lum? ?nd rate ?f ?h?ng? ?t w?rk and at h?m? d??? n?t ?v?rwh?lm ?r d?f??t you.Component #5.  T??hn?l?g? M?n?g?m?ntEff??tiv?l? m?n?ging t??hn?l?g? m??n? ?n?uring th?t technology ??rv?? ??u, rather th?n ?bu??? ??u. Technology h?? ?lw??? b??n with u?, ?in?? th? fir?t walking stick, flint, spear, ?nd wheel.N?w, the r?t? of ?h?ng? i? ????l?r?ting, br?ught on b? v?nd?r? ???king ?x??nding m?rk?t ?h?r?.Oft?n there i? no ?h?i?? but to k??? u? with th? technological J?n????, but ??u mu?t rul? t??hn?l?g?, n?t vice v?r??.Component #6.  L?i?ur? M?n?g?m?ntTh? m??t ?v?rl??k?d ?f th? work-life b?l?n?? ?u???rting di??i?lin??, l?i?ur? m?n?g?m?nt ??kn?wl?dg?? the importance ?f r??t and relaxation- th?t ?n? can’t short-change l?i?ur?, ?nd that “tim? off” i? a vit?l ??m??n?nt of th? hum?n ?x??ri?n??.Curiously, t?? mu?h ?f th? ??m? leisure activity, however enjoyable, ??n lead t? m?n?t?n?.Thus, ?ff??tiv? l?i?ur? m?n?g?m?nt r??uir?? varying one’s ??tiviti??.WHY EMPLOYEE WORK-LIFE B?L?N?? M?TT?R? H?ving a ???itiv? w?rk-lif? balance ??n h?l? ?m?l????? carve out ?n?ugh time for both work ?nd th? m?n? ?th?r facets ?f th?ir liv??. But wh?n running a business, ?lth?ugh n?t int?nti?n?l, it’s understandably easy to f??u? ?n the w?rk domain ?f ?m?l????? ’ lives, f?rg?tting th?? h?v? a whole other lif? outside of th? office.H?w?v?r, it i? ?ru?i?l employees ??hi?v? a g??d work-life balance.Not ?nl? d??? it im?r?v? their m?nt?l health, but it b?n?fit? th? bu?in??? too; employees with a g??d balance ?r? m?r? efficient, ?r?du?tiv? ?nd m?tiv?t?d.And while ?n?uring ?u?h a balance isn’t th? ??l? responsibility ?f ?m?l???r?, ??u ??n do a l?t t? h?l? by ??t?bli?hing supportive policies ?nd r??li?ti? ?x???t?ti?n?.Ar?und 6.5 milli?n UK employees â€" th?t’? around 30% ?f th? w?rking ???ul?ti?n â€" d???rib? th?m??lv?? ?? unhappy ?t w?rk, according t? r????r?h published last ???r.The M?nt?l Health F?und?ti?n ??ll? th? in?r???ingl? d?m?nding w?rk ?ultur? in the UK “perhaps th? biggest ?nd m??t pressing ?h?ll?ng? t? th? m?nt?l h??lth of th? general population”.A ?urv?? by th? f?und?ti?n on the ?ubj??t d?m?n?tr?t?? why this could be the case:1 in 3 f??l unh???? about the time they d?v?t? t? w?rk40%+ are n?gl??ting ?th?r aspects of th?ir li f? b???u?? of w?rkWhen working long h?ur? 27% f??l depressed, 34% feel anxious ?nd 58% f??l irritableN??rl? tw? third? of ?m?l????? h?v? ?x??ri?n??d a n?g?tiv? ?ff??t ?n th?ir ??r??n?l lif? ?u?h ?? a lack ?f ??r??n?l d?v?l??m?nt, ???r home life ?nd ?h??i??l and m?nt?l health i??u??The survey ?l?? f?und th?t ?? weekly h?ur? in?r????, so d? f??ling? ?f unh???in???.Which feeds int? th?ir next finding: th? m?r? h?ur? th?t ?m?l????? ???nd ?t w?rk, the m?r? hours ?ut?id? ?f w?rk th?? ?r? lik?l? to spend thinking or w?rr?ing ?b?ut it.The b?n?fit? of a w?rk-lif? balanceMuddling thr?ugh with a poor work-life balance i? no fun; it m?k?? ?m?l????? more di??ng?g?d with lif? in general, envious of their friends’ lif??t?l?? ?nd f??ling alienated b? modern lif?, ????rding t? the Y?uG?v r???rt. It’? b?d news for th?ir mental h??lth t??.Th? M?nt?l H??lth F?und?ti?n ?t?t??: “Th? ?umul?tiv? effect of increased working hours i? having ?n important effect ?n th? lif??t?l? ?f a hug? numb?r of peopl e, whi?h i? lik?l? t? prove d?m?ging t? their m?nt?l w?ll-b?ing.”P??r m?nt?l w?ll-b?ing directly ?ff??t? h?w ?m?l????? b?h?v? ?t w?rk â€" a UK g?v?rnm?nt report ?n w?rk related ?tr??? demonstrated that ?tr??? ????unt?d for n??rl? half of all w?rking days l??t b???u?? of ill h??lthAn ACAS r???rt ?n flexible working ?nd w?rk-lif? b?l?n?? showed h?w a poor b?l?n?? ??n l??d to ?b??n??, low ?r?du?tivit? and ?tr???. But wh?n b?l?n?? i? ??hi?v?d, b?n?fit? can include:Better l?v?l? ?f ?ffi?i?n?? ?nd ?r?du?tivit?L?w?r l?v?l? ?f ?b??n??, sickness ?nd ?tr???A motivated w?rkf?r??Improved ?u?t?m?r ??rvi??Higher r?t?nti?n l?v?l?M?r? applicants f?r v???n?i??There i? n? d?ubt th?t wh?n ?m?l????? ?r? giv?n th? ????? and tim? t? live a whole ?nd rounded life th?ir ??n?? ?f w?llb?ing in?r????? and th?? f??l happier. And ?? thi? ?rti?l? highlight?, a happier w?rkf?r?? i? good news f?r bu?in???.H?w to ?r?m?t? a w?rk-lif? balance in th? w?rk?l???M??t ?m?l????? need t? w?rk t? h?v? sufficient money t? l iv?, ?? it ??n be ?h?ll?nging for th?m t? bring u? ?u?h i??u?? with th? ?m?l???r.This is wh?r? ??u ??m? in.There ?r? m?n? w??? that business owners ?nd HR managers ??n help ?m?l????? ??hi?v? a better w?rk-lif? balance:Fl?xibl? w?rking ??ti?n? (e.g. ??m?r????d hours, j?b ?h?ring, remote w?rking)P?id time ?ff policiesSu???rting ?m?l????? with ??ring duti?? (??? ?ur ?rti?l? H?w to ?u???rt carer employees ?r?vid?? advice ?n thi?)Implementing reasonable time ?nd ??mmuni??ti?n ?x???t?ti?n?Mental ?nd ?h??i??l h??lth ?r?m?ting activities (?.g. g?m m?mb?r?hi?, ???l? t? work ??h?m?, lun?htim? meditation ?l?????)M?di??l ??rvi??? ?u?h as 24/7 access t? GP ?nd h??lth assessments ?t w?rk help ?m?l????? fit ????intm?nt? ?r?und their w?rk ?nd other commitments.It’? w?rth n?ting th?t a ?n?-?iz?-fit?-?ll ???r???h t? b?l?n?? is unlikely t? b? suitable.Th? mother ?truggling t? juggl? work, ?hild??r? ?nd l??king ?ft?r h?r elderly parents i?n’t going t? b?n?fit from the ??m? ??luti?n ?? the mill?nni? l who w?nt? to balance w?rk with tr?v?l.To help ??ur ?ntir? w?rkf?r?? liv? a more b?l?n??d lif?, ??u’ll need t? t?il?r ??ur approach individually.Thi? ??uld b? ??hi?v?d thr?ugh one-on-one meetings with ?t?ff t? see what solutions would best work f?r th?ir ????ifi? situation. If your organisation is t?? large f?r thi? t? be feasible, ??u could w?rk with ??gm?nt?d f??u? gr?u?? ?.g. new ??r?nt?, graduates, carers ?nd so ?n.Of ??ur??, ??m? balance-based ??li?i?? ??n be ???li?d ??r??? th? b??rd with ?u?????. C??? in ??int: ??n?ibl? communication ?x???t?ti?n?.Th? Y?uG?v r???rt f?und th?t ?r???ur? t? r????nd t? ??mmuni??ti?n? is ?n? ?f the major ?ul?rit? ?f work ????ing int? lif?, with 43% r??ding ?r ??nding work-related ?m?il? out ?f the ?ffi??.It ?????r? thi? culture ?f ‘?lw??? ?n’ i? expected even ?n the ?nnu?l ?umm?r h?lid??, with 38% r???rting m?king or r???iving work calls on h?lid??. You ??n g? a l?ng w?? t?w?rd? restoring b?l?n?? b? implementing r????n?bl? communication ?x??? t?ti?n? (?nd th?n sticking t? th?m).To ??hi?v? a workplace ?ultur? whi?h ?r?m?t?? balance, th? ?b?v? efforts must be underpinned b? managers wh? trul? get the importance ?f work-life b?l?n??.Training may b? required t? enable m?n?g?r? t? spot signs of ???r b?l?n?? ?nd its effects ?n the individu?l?. W?rk-lif? balance should ?l?? be modelled fr?m th? top d?wn.If bu?in??? ?wn?r? ?nd the ??ni?r m?n?g?m?nt team take a break ?w?? fr?m their d??k? for lun?h, employees w?n’t f??l ?blig?d to stay at th?ir?.“Your colleagues ?r? n?t ??ur friends; your boss is n?t ??ur ?n?m?; Y?ur subordinate i? not a fool; your ?ffi?? i? n?t ??ur h?u??; Y?ur house i? n?t your ?ffi??; D? n?t expect rewards t? w?rk h?rd. It is the ?th?r w?? ?r?und”. R?hul Shriv??t?v?