Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Innovation and Sustainability Essay - 472 Words

Human habits to product goods such as clothing, housing, food has had a serious impact on natural resources and social development. Forestland is being clear trees are being cut for lumber for homes and buildings land is being crop and clear for crops and lives stock (Turk T.Bensel, 2011). If not monitored and check and barriers are not maintain, continue harvesting of the earth resources to manufacture and product the goods humans seek after will damage landscapes and ecosystems beyond repair. One example of resources such as lumber to build housing and expand of urban areas, which also use land, is a cause of deforestation. While deforestation meets human needs, it also has an overwhelming, and distressing, results, such as,†¦show more content†¦8). The World Bank report on controlling deforestation stated that,† direct solutions to deforestation and other environmental problems are unavailable† said the author of the report Robert Deacon (Deacon, 1992, para. 1). However the ability to understand the environmental, and the significances of policies to low down the rate if deforestation and sustainability. Another human production of urban areas is affecting streams, lakes, and estuaries (Turk Bensel, 2011). Storm water from urban areas is carrying pollutions to stream and waterways. Runoff pollution according to your text is now the nation’s leading threat to water quality. Runoff pollution is affecting about 40 percent of our nation’s surveyed rivers, lakes, and estuaries (Turk Bensel, 2011, Chapter 4.3). Runoff pollution causes flooding and the decline of water tables. One solution to runoff pollution is the use of urban planning called smart growth (Turk Bensel, 2011). The use of wet pond can control urban runoff pollution. Wet ponds have plants’ that the roots can use the nutrients from sediment that are often contained in the runoff waters (Runoff Controls, 1995). . The ponds are designed helps to control impacts on downstream runoff into urban areas (Runoff Controls, 1995). In addition to wet ponds, wetlands are vital in controlling of urban runoff . Wetlands serve as a natural filter to slow the flow of water to theShow MoreRelatedCorporate Sustainability, Innovation And Sustainability1645 Words   |  7 PagesIn today’s business landscape companies are measured on the corporate sustainability, innovation and also the ethical responsibility. Companies are being challenged to become agile and resilient in the ever changing market. Over the past ten years, many large corporate companies have expanded their markets and driven out many of the small business players. 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