Friday, May 8, 2020

Theoretical Framework - 4961 Words

Running Head: EXAMINING NURSING: A PERSONAL FRAMEWORK Examining Nursing: A Personal Framework Cortney Airhart The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of N5327 Analysis of Theories in Nursing Ronda Mintz-Binder, DNP, RN March 27, 2012 Examining Nursing Practice: A Personal Framework After graduating nursing school in 2008, I started working as an Operating Room nurse (OR) at a level one trauma center, which specializes in neurosurgery. I now scrub and circulate neurology, urology, ENT (ear, nose and throat), and plastic surgeries. I am also a charge nurse and in charge of orienting new nurses and graduate nurses. The OR is fast paced and challenging.†¦show more content†¦I believe nurses learn both my observation and experience. As a preceptor, I do not throw a nurse to the sharks. If the nurse has never done something before, I let the new nurse observe me and explain each step as I do it. The next time a similar situation appears, I ask the new nurse to do it his/herself. If I see a variation in how I did the same task and it does not harm the patient; I feel the nurse has established their own way of doing things and is feeling more comfortable in that particular task. If the situation present s itself, I ask the new nurse to teach another nurse how to perform the task. I also explain to my nurses that the textbook shows you the perfect world, but in real life we never get quite that scenario. I explain we have to alter our actions to perform interventions and do what is best for the patient. An example, I often share, is that in an ideal world, when inserting a tracheostomy tube, we have a prepped sterile field. However, there are times the airway is needed in such a hurry; we have to think about providing an airway first and dealing with the infection later. 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